Monday, July 07, 2008


What's wrong with saying "McCain=Bush"? Isn't Bush a beloved figure in the Republican party? Isn't he the beloved leader of us all? You would think the Republicans would feel complimented anytime anyone tried to equate the great John McCain with the great George W. Bush.

But apparently they see it as some kind of insult. Go figure... I can't imagine why that would be. John McCain has appeared proudly with President Bush. He depends on money that Bush is raising. And as far as we can tell, he's running on Bush's policies and promising more of the same. An unending war in Iraq. Stay the course. Economics that will continue to run our country into the ground. An energy policy that the oil companies love. Who could quibble with such promises?

And yet, it seems, there's trouble in Denver, with a woman bearing a sign that says that very thing, "McCain=Bush." She was kicked out of a McCain event. Her name is Carol Kreck, a 61-year-old librarian. The article linked to says, "On orders from McCain's security detail, police cited her for trespassing and escorted her to the sidewalk. She was told if she returned she would be arrested." Would a kind soul like John McCain do that? Apparently so!

But Kreck had a great statement: "And all I did was carry a sign that said McCain = Bush. And for everyone who voted for Bush, I don't see why it's offensive to say McCain = Bush." Exactly. Why would that be offensive to McCain?

Especially when it's true. McCain=Bush.

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