Sunday, October 05, 2008

McCain Is Sleazy

The sleaze is running a sleazy campaign, having failed on the issues. The tide is against McCain, this is his last chance to be president, he's a cornered dog. Everything's got to go!

The absolute stupidest thing, in my opinion, is this business about Ayers. He was doing something in the '60s, Obama was 8-years-old, big deal. I frankly don't see the connection, except for some random crossing of paths. This is sleazy stuff, and clueless Palin is out there running with whatever idiotic lines they've fed her.

I'm glad to see Obama in the driver's seat on this campaign. Now we hear the green light's on to bring up some of the actual scandals of McCain's miserable life, including the Keating 5 scandal. You would think this would be enough to disqualify the guy, not just now but in 2000, but somehow it drifted away. But he's the same dishonest guy now as he was then.

McCain isn't fit to be president, that's for sure. The guy's garbage pure and simple.

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