Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mackenzie Phillips

Easily the most sickening story of the day are the revelations of Mackenzie Phillips, of her sexual experiences with her father, Mama's and Papa's singer John Phillips.

I say "revelations," but apparently there's some dissension in the family, with one person at least saying John Phillips would've never done that. So Mackenzie's comments would be "charges" to them.

Anyway, whatever, it's a sickening story of incest of an ongoing nature, like 10 years or thereabouts. And drugs. Each detail worse than the last.

Might make me feel differently next time I hear a Mama's and Papa's song on the radio!

I hope whoever the folks are who profit from the old records have made enough money, because it might be ... this is beyond Chris Brown and Michael Vick ... the money's going to dry up.

Very, very yucky.

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