Monday, June 22, 2009

A Missing Governor

We had a missing governor? That's a new one!

"It's 10 o'clock. Do you know where your governor is?"

In South Carolina they had to say NO there for a while, when Republican Gov. Mark Sanford went missing. Where he went, I don't know. Since I've never seen him, he's always been missing to me. But there are those who are in contact with him on a normal basis, and they were thinking, Hmm, he disappeared.

Someone was accusing him of "erratic behavior," and this sounds like something that would fit the description. But who hasn't felt like getting away from it all for a while? So if he's out catting around somewhere in disguise, that's his business.

Whatever he's doing, it's between him, his wife, and his shrink. And maybe his priest if he has anything to confess afterward. And being a Republican, he probably does.

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