Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Anonymous Is Unmasked

We've all seen books of poetry and the occasional piece of music that were written by Anonymous. Anonymous is a very cagey name, helping you maintain your anonymity, but when it comes to the ego you're not getting much credit.

Yet we continue to see it, with many quotes, many poems.

I think people ought to believe me, since they have very little reason not to, when I say that I wrote the things that are signed Anonymous. If you can prove I wasn't alive when it was published, like says it was published in 1895, that would be a stumbling block for me, but thanks to the various unknowns surrounding the teachings of reincarnation, I can think of a workaround for it.

What if a guy did claimed to be the long lost Anonymous, now seeking recognition, and, as a sign of good faith, promises that all his back royalties (and future ones) will go to charity, the name of the beneficiary being, of course, kept anonymous.

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