Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Blog of Absurdities

This blog, Santa v. Satan, has lots of funny things, silly graphics, videos with some absurdities (in my opinion), such as a mother breastfeeding her kid 8 years old. I suppose there's nothing wrong with it, but I believe 7 should be the cut-off point, at least it was for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for saying hi on my blog. Lots of interesting stuff here on yours. I too am a music fanatic and find John McCain frightening, not unlike the emperor in Star Wars. I am currently playing drums in a fun band here in Missoula called the Voodoo Horseshoes. You can hear a couple tunes on myspace. Music is my favorite language to speak but I have wanted to express my somewhat psychedelic feeling of wholeness since high school, hence my book. It is a hopeful book and I hope not too redundant. It is an attempt to deliver a first hand language of wholeness to free us from our dependence on esoteric sounding traditions which then enslave us to the translators of such traditions (either gurus or academicians). To me there is something massive and beautiful that we're all part of no matter how twisted parts of us may be, and it seems like only through recognizing that together will we really know peace in the world.

In any case, I'm a new blogger, in fact totally lame. Please share any feedback with me about how to enliven things and get people seeing my blog.

I look forward to checking out some of your others.