Friday, August 08, 2008

John Edwards

Scuzbaggery strikes again!

ABC: John Edwards repeatedly lied during his Presidential campaign about an extramarital affair with a novice filmmaker, the former Senator admitted to ABC News today.
The National Enquirer was right after all, maybe not about every little detail, but who knows? Edwards says the baby isn't his, but his word is worth exactly what? Squat. It's kind of weird that he would be at her room with the young'un just a few weeks ago if the affair ended in 2006.

It's crap that he ran for president knowing this secret was out there. Talk about personal ambition getting the best of a guy. We're lucky he didn't make it, not that he really had a chance. Obama was too much for him for one. And if Obama hadn't been there Clinton would've rolled over him for sure. But just think, he put himself forward to be our nominee. A time bomb on board and we would've been his fellow passengers.

As far as believing the National Enquirer, I saw a lot of very angry handwringing over it as a source. And a lot of damnation for anyone who dared to believe anything they would print, despite the fact that they've been right numerous times in the past. Blind faith in a guy, not usually a good virtue.

My own personal opinion through all that was what I believe about most things: Where there's smoke there's fire. Sometimes it doesn't turn out to be fire, but you know what I mean. It usually has a way of being fire if it's persistently smoky.

As far as John Edwards goes, I never thought he was especially good in the first place. I didn't support him for president in 2004 or 2008. To me he seemed all ambition, no abiding principles. This shows exactly how true that is.

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