Friday, August 08, 2008

Joe Lieberman Frosted After Cake Gets Him

The other day when McCain's bus wrecked, Joe Lieberman was on board, and, as with many of his other activities in life, there was a mess to clean up afterwards.

It seems there was a staffer's birthday cake on the bus that shifted in the incident and got all over the senator.

To keep me from paraphrasing a story second- or third-hand that I don't really know anything about, I'll let him help me out:

"At the moment of impact I was sitting in a booth ... right in front of counter right where the cake was. The cake went all over me. That was the end of my suit. I always wondered whether sometime a political protester would hit me with a pie in the face. I never thought a friendly birthday cake would attack me from the rear."
It's interesting to hear that he thinks about such things, getting a pie in the face from a protester. But as he explains it here, this time it was friendly fire.

Almost everything Joe does "takes the cake," but this time he outdid himself!

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