Thursday, August 07, 2008

McCain Scuzbaggery

You have to be a real scuzbag to use kind words people say about you and disguise that as endorsing you for president! That's what John McCain is doing in his latest ad, his seemingly unending journey down the low road.

In the ad he has people like John Kerry, Howard Dean, and even Barack Obama praising him. By the end it's pretty clear, the only people who don't want McCain for president would be his Republican base! All the Democrats are on board, that's for sure.

That's the way it would appear, until you give it a second's thought. We all know these people support Obama for president, so what's the deal? Well, as it turns out -- who knew? -- over the years, in normal human relationships, we say nice things about others! We're even friends and so we're friendly. We aren't walking around with a cloud over our heads, snarling at one another.

In the Senate, for example, it's "My Distinguished Colleague from Arizona," "My Good Friend from Massachusetts," "The Honorable Gentleman from Iowa," etc. It doesn't mean you would presume upon these ceremonial kindnesses and actual friendships to claim an endorsement where none exists.

But that's what "The Distinguished Scuzbag from Arizona" did. String together enough of these pleasantries, and, guess what, everyone loves you!

That's an interesting way to exploit your friends.

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