Monday, July 07, 2008

McCain is a Liar

The strategy of simply lying is what the Republicans have used for the last eight years. And John McCain is continuing to use it. He's an out and out liar.

With a press that cannot be motivated to scrutinize McCain's press releases and pronouncements, and very little actually going for him, he has all the incentive he needs to just make false assertions. This is what they're doing with Obama's positions on Iraq. Lying.

McCain could do what he pledged to do, which is to run a respectful campaign. He's already broken that pledge repeatedly. He's down in the polls, the people have no use for his proposals -- including an open-ended commitment in Iraq for a hundred years. So he's trying to lie his way to the White House.

If we needed any more proof that Bush and Rove would have a third term in John McCain, look no further.

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