Thursday, July 24, 2008

McCain: Same as Obama, Just Shrunk Down

While Barack Obama was speaking before thousands in Germany, John McCain was meeting with small business leaders in a German restaurant in Ohio.

There's a great shot of some of the restaurant's publicity at this link. It actually sounds like a really good place, Schmidt's Restaurant and Sausage Haus, offering "Over a century of hospitality in the heart of German Village." And we can be glad that our Republican nominee is doing his best for international relations by sitting down to a good meal.

The entertainment also looks good, including Schnickelfritz, the Sausage Haus's "Haus" band since 1970. There's a guy on drums and a guy on accordion. Also performing, since 1978, are Squeeezin' N' Wheezin, a guy on tuba and a guy on accordion playing high-spirited German music. There's "an Oktoberfest feeling all year long!" I hope McCain doesn't muck up international relations by complaining about the entertainment.

Someone (yg17) made the comment that McCain could duplicate Obama's world tour by simply going to the International House of Pancakes, which sounds like a good suggestion. They have a decent menu, one is usually close by, and the prices are not bad.

But it might be best to spread the joy and send McCain on a complete tour of ethnic restaurants! The rest of the media might be turning on him, but he could get the coveted "Food Network" endorsement.

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