Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Does John McCain Recover From This?

Peggy Noonan says "It's over." Thanks to the Palin gambit.

Mike seems to agree that it was a bad move.

Link for their comments caught on an open mic.

I hope, I hope, I hope, that McCain sealed the deal ... against himself. I think it'd be really cool. To have victory still as possibility the other day, while the Democratic convention was going on. But then it went so great and Obama literally blew the roof off the place (I did not see a roof on the stadium afterwards), and McCain panicked and called in Palin. Here's what I think would be really cool: For him to lose over this and have the rest of his life to answer for it.

The rest of the year: Why did you make such a boneheaded move?

Next year: What were you thinking?

The third year: Did you give it any thought whatsoever?

The fourth year: By now he has a book out, Mea Culpa -- The Botched Campaign of 2008, By John McCain. And since he never gives anything a second thought, they simply print his rough draft, in which he inadvertently tells the truth about everything.

In here somewhere we come to another election year, unless I overshot it in my list, and it's time for the Republican candidate to select his or her VP. It's proverbial by now: Don't pull a McCain! Don't McCain it up, stupid! Who do you think I am, McCain?! And if anyone really screws up, he's the "Second Coming of McCain!"

My friends -- and I believe you are all my friends -- I just want Obama to win. Why? Because I want good government for this country after eight years of terrible. And McCain is a screw-up. He doesn't have the judgment it takes to be a good president.

That's why he must be defeated. And if he just happens to defeat himself, so much the better.

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