Monday, September 08, 2008

McCain and Palin: Lying Liars

It's nice to hear rumblings and more than rumblings that Sarah Palin and John McCain are liars.

See, that wasn't so hard. It's not that they're spinning, that they're slightly misleading, that they're mistaken, that they're not telling the truth. THEY ARE LIARS.

Liars in this sense: fully intentional liars, liars without shame, liars who believe they can get away with it, despicable liars.

Let the famous Bridge to Nowhere represent this: John McCain and Sarah Palin and the Republicans are lying about it. On earmarks, they're lying about that. On lobbyists, they're lying about that. On being agents of change, they're lying about that. On Obama going to raise everyone's taxes, they're lying about that. On being "mavericks," they're lying about that. They are nothing but the same old politics as usual, in McCain's case voting with Bush over 90% of the time and Palin has to be worse.

If we fall for their lies, of course we will unfortunately get what we deserve, a government that will lie its way through at least four more years of corruption, cronyism, and deceit. We will set ourselves back in terms of global responsibility and leadership in ways that are incalculable. We will have the same old partisan divide, the same old politics of personal destruction, the same old same old. Miserable stuff.

Bottom line. Make absolutely no mistake about it, JOHN McCAIN AND SARAH PALIN ARE LIARS.

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